The second SFERA-III Summer School and Doctoral Colloquium was organised by PSA-CIEMAT on 5-6th and 7-9th October 2021, in Almería (Spain).
The SFERA-III Summer School, entitled “Solar Process Heat Applications and Water Solar Desalination“, gathered 65 participants during two days.
On the first day, the session was on “Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP)” with 9 classes held by different speakers from CIEMAT-PSA, DLR-Institute of Solar Research, and CEA.
On the second day, the session was about “Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) and Water Desalination” with 5 classes animated by speakers from CIEMAT-PSA and SOLATOM.
To close this 2nd SFERA-III Summer School, the participants visited the PSA facilities.
The full programme of the Summer school can be found here:
Full programme of the 2nd SFERA-III Summer School

Find out and download the presentations of the SFERA-III Summer School below:
Day 1 – Tuesday, October 5th, 2021
Day 2 – Wednesday, October 6th, 2021
- Presentation by Puneet Saini (SHC): “Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions – Call for collaboration”

Regarding the SFERA-III Doctoral Colloquium, the number of participants was 45, including 38 Ph.D. students from different partners of the project and 7 tutors.

The booklet of abstracts related to the content of the doctoral colloquium is also available for download here:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802