Marie Garcia

Success Stories from Transnational Access: the ProMoTE project
Let’s have a look at the most promising projects carried out during the 1st SFERA-III campaign for Transnational Access! This week, we...

SFERA-III at SolarPACES 2020
SFERA-III will participate in the 26th edition of SolarPACES from September 28 to October 2, 2020. Due to COVID-19, SolarPACES 2020 will go...

Success Stories from Transnational Access: the OpThLenses project
Let's keep on going through the most promising projects carried out in the course of the 1st SFERA-III campaign for Transnational Access....

Keep up with the news from SFERA-III on social media!
Did you know that SFERA-III was on active on LinkedIn, Twitter and features in a joint newsletter for H2020 CSP...

Success Stories from Transnational Access: the GREENLIGHT project
As the 1st SFERA-III campaign for Transnational Access has been achieved, let’s have a look at the most promising projects...

2020 Transnational Access Campaign: list of funded projects
The list of selected projects under the 2nd SFERA-III Access campaign was published: after evaluation, 32 projects are funded and...

Success Stories from Transnational Access: the EISSC project
As the 1st SFERA-III campaign for Transnational Access has been achieved, let’s have a look at the most promising projects...

Transnational Access: the 3rd campaign is coming!
Interested in free access to state-of-the-art CST research infrastructures? Stay tuned! The next SFERA-III Transnational Access call will be launched...

Scientific Publication: A supervised deep learning model for cloud/sky image segmentation
CNRS-PROMES published an article about SFERA-III in the context of the ECOS Conference 2020 (33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost,...

Success Stories from Transnational Access: the ShARON project, from CENER to CEA
As the 1st SFERA-III campaign for Transnational Access has been achieved, let’s have a look on its most promising projects...

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802