Marie Garcia

Objective: Fostering the integration of solar heat in industrial processes of the agro–food industry. Website:

Objective: Demonstrating the feasibility of the CSP-CaL integration by erecting a pilot-scale plant that uses cheap, abundant and non-toxic materials...

Objective: Upscaling, implementing and demonstrating cost-effective technologies and strategies that bring about a significant reduction of water of CSP plants...

SFERA III 1st Summer School and Doctoral Colloquium
The 1st Summer School and Doctoral Colloquium of SFERA-III will be held in Odeillo (France) in September 2019 at the...

SFERA III survey on e-infrastructures for CSP technologies
One of the JRA activities is the design of a European e-infrastructure linking the main European research centers devoted to...

CSP 1st Training course for industry – Central receivers: optics of heliostats fields
New training course about central receivers systems in SFERA III project! After the success of the SFERA II industry training...

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802