🌞 The 4th SFERA-III Training Course for Industry will be organised by ENEA from 7 to 11 November 2022 at ENEA Casaccia Research Center in Italy. This course is designed for engineers, researchers and representatives from European CSP industry and companies who want to be trained on real CSP hardware.
The course focuses on the design and management methodologies for molten salt CSP systems that use linear solar collectors.
The training consists of both theoretical and practical modules . It will include visits, procedures, standards and best practices theoretical and experimental ‘hands-on’ experiences, Knowledge-Transfer and Networking.
It will cover the following topics:
- Molten salts as heat transfer fluids and heat storage media
- CSP plants with molten salts as HTF heat transfer fluid & HSM
- Heat storage medium
- Molten salt processes
- Technologies for CSP molten salt plants
- Practical test cases
- You can download the full announcement & the draft agenda below.
The registration deadline is OCTOBER 15th, 2022.
To apply, please fill out the application form available here and send it to: anja.kruschinski@dlr.de
Class size is limited to 15 participants. Eligible candidates will be informed until OCTOBER 30th, 2022. Standard health and safety measures defined by ENEA for visitors and meetings will apply (details to be given prior to the meeting depending on latest development of the covid-19 pandemic). These will include national ID card or passport, social distance, facemask during the lesson is strongly recommended as disinfection of hands.
No course fee is applicable. Accommodation and travel costs shall be covered by the participant. Lunch is offered by ENEA.
Contact: Walter Gaggioli (ENEA), Tel.: +39 0630486212, E-mail: walter.gaggioli@enea.it and Luca Turchetti (ENEA), Email: luca.turchetti@enea.it

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802