The 3rd Doctoral Colloquium and Summer School of SFERA-III will be held from 12 to 16 September 2022.
Full information about this event is to be found on the dedicated webpage here.
These events will be hosted by ETH Zürich in Zürich (Switzerland) :
- Doctoral Colloquium: 12-14 September (Restricted to SFERA-III members)
- Summer School: 15-16 September (Topic: Solar thermochemistry – open to a broad audience)
Registration & Abstract Submission
To register for the 3rd SFERA-III Doctoral Colloquium and/or Summer School 2022, please follow the link here.
Deadline for registration: July 1, 2022
Abstract submission
To submit an abstract for the 3rd SFERA-III Doctoral Colloquium 2022, please follow the link here.
Deadline for abstract submission (doctoral colloquium only): July 1, 2022
ETH Zürich
Building ML
Room E12
Sonneggstrasse 3
CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Accommodations for the Doctoral Colloquium and the Summer School have to be organized by the attendees themselves. For a selection of recommended hotels by the city of Zürich, check the link here.
The download links to the programme will be provided here soon, stay tuned!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802