CIEMAT-PSA published a scientific publication about SFERA-III in the 2021 year edition of the Environmental Science and Pollution Research. The paper is available in open access.
Laundry sector consumes a huge amount of water which is usually discharged as wastewater instead of being reused. The application of biological treatment of laundry wastewater coupled with post-treatment utilizing advanced oxidation processes creates a possibility to recycle water to the washing process. However, the investigations on such systems are very limited. In the present work, a novel approach of post-treatment of laundry wastewater utilizing solar photo-Fenton operated at a pilot scale in a compound parabolic collector (CPC) photoreactor is proposed. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used as a representative of surfactants applied in the laundry system. The effect of feed matrix was investigated using distilled water as a reference matrix and synthetic wastewater simulating the composition of biologically pre-treated laundry wastewater. Different concentrations of H2O2 (50–400 mg/L) and ferrous iron (2.75–10 mg/L) were assayed. For comparison purpose, experiments at neutral pH using ethylenediamine-N,N′-disuccinic acid (EDDS) as an iron complexing agent were carried out. A high SDS removal efficiency was obtained under both neutral and acidic pH, reaching 89% and 96%, respectively, in just 8 min. However, the remaining organic load originating from EDDS needs application of further post-treatment steps. Therefore, the solar photo-Fenton operated under acidic pH was found to be a more promising approach of post-treatment of laundry wastewater aimed at its reuse.
Title Treatment of laundry wastewater by solar photo-Fenton process at pilot plant scale
Authors Ana Belén Esteban García, Kacper Szymańsk, Sylwia Mozia and José Antonio Sánchez Pérez
Cite as Esteban García, A.B., Szymański, K., Mozia, S. et al. “Treatment of laundry wastewater by solar photo-Fenton process at pilot plant scale”. In: Environ Sci Pollut Res 28, 8576–8584 (2021);

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802