Provision of Transnational Access to CIESOL
Name of
the infrastructure
Solar Energy Research Center, CIESOL ---------------- The Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL) was built as a single-store building using bioclimatic standards and its design is aimed at efficient energy use. To fulfil this goal, CIESOL applies solar energy technology for the heating and cooling systems, as well as solar photovoltaic electricity, to guarantee the building’s self-sufficiency. CIESOL has all necessary infrastructures for using control systems to achieve thermal, visual and air quality comfort and energy efficiency in buildings. As for water treatment, CIESOL has advanced analytical equipment for characterizing complex effluents, microcontaminant analysis and identification of transformation products, solar pilot plants for photocatalytic removal of toxic substances and water disinfection, as well as synthesis of homo- and hetero-metal-polymers with photocatalytic activity. CIESOL engages in research and technology transfer activities in the field of solar energy applications concerning: organometallics and photochemistry, water treatment, environmental chemistry, photosynthesis and desalination, modelling and automatic control of solar systems, home automation for energy efficiency, as well as solar cooling and solar resources assessment.
Location of
the infrastructure
Almeria, Spain

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802