The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE will organise a Short-term training for Technical staff and Scientists that will be held from 22 to 23 June 2022, in Freiburg (Germany).
Entitled “Optical Measurement and Simulation of Functional Surfaces for Concentrator Optics” and given by Scientists and Specialists from Fraunhofer ISE, the course is designed for:
- engineers;
- researchers; and
- representatives from European CSP industry and companies who want to be trained on real CSP hardware.
Besides, the overall objective of this training is sharing expertise in the theoretical and practical competences needed for optical characterization and measurements on solar collectors.
Hence, the training will include visits, procedures, standards, and best practices theoretical and experimental ‘hands-on’ experience and cover the following topics:
- Optical modelling tools;
- Optical laboratory characterization facilities;
- Optical portable characterization facilities in field;
- Practical test cases.
Further details, including agenda of the two days, meeting place, and accommodations details can be download just below.
Last but not least, registration is free but mandatory.
To confirm your participation, please fill-in and send the application form (Link) to:
- Peter Schoettl, Responsible of the training course
Email: - Noa Lina Graf, Responsible of the training course

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802